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The CAVEAT Final Report: A goodbye and summation of CAVEAT's work and achievements

Mission Statement

The CAVEAT Youth Council will strive to promote effective communication and problem solving in keeping with the CAVEAT mission statement and to foster initiatives in violence prevention among youth, in particular, pertaining to youth issues and concerns in our community.


As CAVEAT Canada continues to grow and expand its work onto the national stage, so too, must the CAVEAT Youth Council be strategically prepared to enter this level of community interaction.

    Local Action Group

    The purpose of a local action group is to do the following:

    • To organize students within a school under the advice of an adult with the goal of taking on one major anti-violence initiative, under the mandate of education and awareness per school year. This may include a workshop, fund raiser, information distribution system (i.e. bulletin board), speaker, conference, forum, networking session, ...)

    • To support CAVEAT's initiatives at the grass-roots level.

    Regional Council

    The purpose of the regional council is to do the following:

    • To coordinate CYAGs in the community with the goal of taking on one major anti-violence initiative, under the mandate of education and awareness per school year. This may include a workshop, fund raiser, information distribution system (i.e. bulletin board), speaker, conference, forum, networking session, ...) for the community. Strong consideration should be given to working in partnership with community agencies. (i.e. if the event is a sexual assault awareness campaign, then perhaps a representative from the local Sexual Assault Centre should sit on the planning committee)

    • To support CAVEAT's and the Provincial Executive Council's initiatives at the grass-roots level.

    • Communicate with provincial executive in order to promote information sharing, networking, and to reduce duplication.

    • The Regional Council operates on a school year term; beginning in September and ending in June of the following year.

    Provincial Executive Council

    The purpose of the provincial executive council is to do the following:

    • Facilitating information sharing with the Regional Councils, CYAGs, and the Youth Membership is the prime directive of the Provincial Executive Council.

    • To provide a 'sounding board' for the provincial office on CAVEAT issues and/or initiatives. Ideally, the Provincial Executive Council would be made up of a fair geographical representation (from the various Regional Councils).

    • To ensure communication between the CAVEAT Provincial Board of Directors and the Youth Membership.

    • Since the Provincial Executive Council operates following the executive system (President, Vice-President, etc.), it is the President's responsibility to represent the Youth Membership on the Board of Directors. (with a vote) Please see the 'Terms of Reference' for further details on responsibilities and procedures for the Provincial Executive Council.

    • To assist in the organization of an annual Provincial Conference for CAVEAT Youth. This conference would showcase effective violence prevention initiatives, provide inspiration and motivation to the Youth Membership, and may 'spot-light' a certain aspect of the CYC mandate each year.

Past Accomplishments

Please follow this link to see some of our past accomplishments.

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last updated:  08.28.2000 - 11:23:40 EST

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