Quotes from newspapers re: John Sharpe

"Mr. Sharpe, a single father of two, will be at the centre of attention as Canada's most prominent advocate of the constitutional rights of those who enjoy child pornography. He also defends the practice of what he calls 'intergenerational sex'."
The National Post, April 26th/99

"But last week, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Duncan Shaw tossed out a section of the Criminal Code which makes it illegal to possess child pornography.

The case involved 65 year old John Sharpe, a divorced father of two and active homosexual paedophile who faced charges dating back to 1995."
Toronto Star Jan. 20/99

"Pornography is probably good for children. I think kids should explore pornography. I think it would be great if kids could access porn on their own."
The Toronto Star, Jan. 2/99



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