Educational Initiatives

CAVEAT develops its educational programmes in response to the expressed needs of the community. We use first hand information from victims of violence, current research, and a network of experts from many disciplines to plan our initiatives.

Our crime prevention workshops and forums examine both prevention and response strategies. We focus on increasing awareness of issues, learning prevention skills, and developing early identification and intervention strategies. We strive to clarify the justice process and assist in accessing the information and services available in the community.

We present both professionals and victims as workshop speakers, who share their wisdom and expertise. Participants gain knowledge and strategies that will enhance their personal safety and wellbeing and increase their appropriate and effective response to violent crime and victims of crime.

Our programmes are of interest to any individual who may be a victim or who works with victims, including front line workers, police, educators, justice, health personnel, social services agencies, and clergy.

Our focus for workshops in 1999 include:

Impact of Victimization
Violent crime has an enormous impact on the victim, the family, and the community.The physical and psychological trauma of the initial crime is magnified by revictimization that often results from a confusing journey through the justice system and the ineffective support network available. This workshop seeks to heighten our awareness of the impact of violent crime, and suggest measures to decrease the victimization.
Criminal Harassment
‘Stalking’ is a serious and widespread crime. This workshop identifies some of the early warning behaviours and suggests some prevention and early intervention strategies. The role that childhood bullying plays in future criminal harassment is explored.Threat assessment and case management techniques are discussed and clarification of the process to prosecution is examined.
Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment has enormous consequences for the victim as well as the corporation. This workshop includes effective policy development, strategies to inform, educate and train, early intervention, alternative dispute resolution and formal investigation procedures.

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